
fresh scallop中文是什么意思

  • 鲜贝



  • 例句与用法
  • Fish balls with fresh scallop
  • Dr tsang called on members of the public to avoid eating fresh scallops in the meantime and seek medical advice immediately if they developed shellfish poisoning symptoms
  • A chp spokesman called on members of the public to avoid eating fresh scallops for the time being and seek medical advice immediately if they developed shellfish poisoning symptoms
  • Avoid eating fresh scallops in the meantime . seek medical advice immediately from nearby hospitals if you develop symptoms . save any leftovers for investigation and laboratory testing
  • Dr thomas tsang said the patients developed nervous system related symptoms including dizziness , limb weakness , blurred vision , calf cramps 20 minutes to three hours after consuming a same type of fresh scallops between march 13 and 15
  • The 54 patients , comprising 22 males and 32 females aged from 11 to 81 , developed nervous system related symptoms about 20 minutes to three hours after consuming a same type of fresh scallops between march 10 and 15
  • The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health has received a total of 26 reports of suspected shellfish poisoning cases affecting 45 people since march 15 . all of them were reported to have consumed fresh scallops before yesterday ( march 16 )
  • The hotline on shellfish poisoning set up by the chp has so far received 34 calls . seventeen of the callers claimed that they had developed nervous system related symptoms after consuming fresh scallops recently , and most of them recovered without seeking medical treatment
  • The hotline on shellfish poisoning 2575 1221 set up by the chp has so far received 29 calls . fifteen of the callers claimed that they had developed nervous system related symptoms after consuming fresh scallops recently , and most of them recovered without seeking medical treatment
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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fresh scallop的中文翻译,fresh scallop是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译fresh scallop,fresh scallop的中文意思,fresh scallop的中文fresh scallop in Chinesefresh scallop的中文fresh scallop怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
